Pupil Premium  

The Pupil Premium grant paid to schools is a government initiative designed to target resources to those pupils deemed to be from a disadvantaged background. 

The 24 - 25 grant is made up of the following for eligible pupils:

 - Pupils eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years - £1,480

 - Looked After Children - £2,570 (Pupil Premium Plus)

 - Children adopted from care  - £2,570

 - Children from families with parents in the armed forces - £340

The Looked After Children Pupil Premium Plus (PPP) is managed by the Virtual School Head (VSH) in the local authority that looks after the child. The VSH works with schools to ensure that PPP money is spent to the educational benefit of the eligible child and address their individual needs as identified in their Personal Education Plan (PEP). Currently £470 per LAC pupil is retained by the Leicestershire Virtual School to fund identified pupils from a pooled resource. Amounts in other local authorities may differ.

Historically, levels of attainment have been lower for pupils who are eligible for pupil premium; this is a national trend.

At Thistly Meadow Primary School we aim for each pupil, regardless of background or ability, to have every opportunity to achieve their very best, supporting our mission to inspire every child with the joy of lifelong learning.  Our commitment to striving for excellence for all pupils is supported by our commitment to provide outstanding care, guidance and support so that we do not limit our pupils’ potential in any way.

The governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support any pupils or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged, for example those who have a social worker or act as a carer.

You can read our Pupil Premium Strategy for 2023-24 here: 

Pupil premium strategy stmnt TH 23-24